Smashing Paperback Launch Party for Katherine Taylor’s Rules for Saying Good-Bye (now out from Picador)

I knew it was going to be a good party when we walked in and saw dozens and dozens of Belvedere bottles courtesy of Belvedere, FREE books from the publisher, and MATCHING-the-cover light blue martini glasses. Katherine’s my tennis buddy (doubles 3 times a week) so it’s always a sensationally pleasant shock to see her in “clothes”—sleek brushed satin black cocktail dress in this case with black-strapped high heels and page cut hair that made her look just adorable as she hosted a packed roomful of (nearly 100) writers at Peter Blake’s artful bachelor pad on Crescent Heights Tuesday night. Peter is writer & exec producer on “House.” In attendance were novelists like AEI client David Angsten and his elegant wife Joanna, David Francis, David Rensin, Janelle Brown, Antoine Wilson, Darcy Cosper, and Brian Doherty; journalists Mickey Kaus from Slate, Carina Chocano and Stephanie Lysaght from The Los Angeles Times, and Sara Wilson from LA Magazine. Rumored that the next Prime Minister of England was lurking aobut somewhere but we were too busy not leaving the food, drink, and Kate periphery to find him.

Best thing of all: KT showed up at 8 a.m. next morning on the courts, despite her all-night dedication to the vodka and lemonades!

James Purnell is the name of the "next prime minister" at Katherine's party.

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