Hope for the World

I’m so glad I happened to read Alan Wolfe’s article in the March Atlantic, “The Coming Religious Peace.” For those, and I’ve counted myself among them, who despair that religious fanaticism will bring us to the end of the world, Wolfe’s analysis of the relationship between wealth and religiosity is an optimistic appraisal of the positive impact increased affluence has on the diminution of fanaticism. With the exception of the United States (Don’t get me started!), the more affluent a nation is the lower it scores on Wolfe’s “religiosity scale.” Nations like France, Sweden, Japan, Britain, Germany, and Italy all score under 1.0, while nations like Senegal, Indonesia, Pakistan,, Brazil, and Malaysia score between 2.5 and 3.0 (the highest). The more free market influences shape a nation’s daily life the less its citizens are interested in blindly fanatic religious intolerance. The U.S. rates 1.5, slightly above Chile and Mexico, slightly below Lebanon and Venezuela.

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